Handshake is Ohio State’s new university-wide position posting system where students have access to search and apply for part-time jobs, internships, co-ops, and full-time career opportunities. Thousands of jobs, internship and career opportunities are posted in Handshake as well as information on upcoming career fairs and on-campus recruiting events.
Basic requirements for student access include enrollment in classes for the current term and good financial standing.
Start setting up your profile using your name.#@buckeyemail.osu.edu email address. The more handshake knows about you, the better it can deliver relevant content to meet your needs and interests, make sure to visit your career interests page in Handshake to receive more specialized content.
If you are an employer looking to post positions or events to OSU students, please use the employer handshake login.
If you have any questions about accessing your account, please email handshake@osu.edu.
Accessibility information for OSU students and staff
If you have a Disability and rely on a screen reader or the keyboard for access to your computer you will experience difficulty using this application. As the University works with Handshake to improve accessibility, please contact handshake@osu.edu for assistance in navigating and using this application. A member of our team will respond within 2 business days to assist you.
As you search through available opportunities, please keep in mind that the posting of an opportunity does not indicate endorsement or recommendation of the employers or opportunities by the University. The University reviews employer requests to post jobs, but does not perform an in-depth review of every job posting or otherwise make any representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the validity, accuracy, or legitimacy of any of the posted positions. This includes, but is not limited to information provided regarding wages, hours worked, working conditions, or safety. It is up to you to apply due diligence and exercise caution and common sense in your job search. For your privacy and protection when applying to a job online, it is advisable that you do not provide any unnecessary personal information to the prospective employer, provide credit card or bank information, or perform any type of monetary transaction. If you suspect a fraudulent posting or have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Life Buckeye Careers at careerquestions@osu.edu.